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February 9, 2023

From Video to Virtual Worlds, Companies Are Mixing Their Collaboration Methods

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At Virbela, we’re hearing from our clients that remote work practices are undergoing major changes again.

After the boom of 2020 and 2021, some companies experienced a wave of hybrid work arrangements. Others may have tried—with varying success—to bring everyone back to the office.

Many are settling into new rhythms, developing goals and processes that support work-life balance without sacrificing company objectives.

Our main observation? The companies that are thriving in a new era of collaboration understand values and practices are still evolving.

We loved this wisdom from DXC Technology, featuring insights from DXC Head of XR Nathalie Vancluysen, because it aligns with what we see in the market, too:

  • The metaverse is becoming a daily workspace for an increasing number of staff. It’s replacing commuting, high-cost commercial real estate, and high-effort business travel.
  • Videoconferencing will stay, but spatial technology is gaining ground as people collaborate in new group settings like virtual boardrooms, auditoriums, and outdoor-inspired areas.
  • As staff collaborate in virtual spaces that feel natural to them, concentration and memory retention may be stronger than when people spend all day in video meetings.

By experimenting with new ways of working, companies like DXC Technology are developing key skill sets, across all levels of staff, that will prepare them for the demands of the future.

Any company can take this approach, regardless of size or geographic spread. The key is to focus on what works and replicate it across your company.

The scalability of this strategy can help ensure success in all your initiatives. Measured growth always outperforms unrealistic expectations of overnight change or staying the same.

In the metaverse, you can always customize your onboarding and pilot programs to fit your company’s needs. We’re seeing high-performing companies do it, and you can, too.

For more on how the metaverse impacts work, follow Virbela on LinkedIn.

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