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September 24, 2019

VirBELA Open Campus: September 2019 Update

More customizable Team Suites, audience control options, and more.
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The VirBELA Open Campus is an immersive space (download here) where digital nomads anywhere in the world can build community, meet for events, and learn with each other. We're building a community of people interested in the future of work. The Open Campus is also a place where remote teams can make use of private, next-generation virtual offices called Team Suites. Large organizations can also scale up to their own private, virtual campuses.

We're excited to release an update to the Open Campus that provides new features and environments for all of our users, whether you're a member of the Open Campus, an owner or member of a Team Suite, or the administrator of a private campus. Here are some highlights:

Customizable Offices + Reception Desk in Team Suites

We've heard from our users that they appreciate being able to customize certain aspects of their Team Suites, so we wanted to take this further. Now, Team Suite members can change the layout of the offices within their Team Suite. Check it out:

In addition to the offices, you can also change up the space that greets Team Suite members right as they enter the Team Suite. The default is still the couch and screen layout that is great for group gatherings, but you can now make it a reception desk. Here I am seated at the VirBELA reception desk:

Greeting people in style.

Improved Microphone + Audience Controls for Private Campus Admins

Administrators or moderators of VirBELA Private Campuses sometimes need to adjust the microphone sensitivity or mute the microphones of participants. Now, an admin can mute everyone in a room at once. Also, when an admin mutes or adjusts participants' mics, those users will get a notification letting them know this has happened.

Admins can also toggle a Room Setting that will automatically seat people who enter the room.

When sending a global broadcast text message throughout the whole campus, that message now contains the name of the person who sent it.

Retired One of Our Auditoriums

A few months ago we released a new "Large Auditorium" in the Open Campus, and it's been more popular than the regular "Auditorium". So, we're making the Large Auditorium the default Auditorium, and is now where you will go when you click "Auditorium" in the Go To Menu. To reduce the size of the Open Campus application, we're retiring the old Auditorium. It served us well!

Other Odds and Ends

You can now copy and paste inside of the text chat input field or the browser screen url input field by right-clicking inside of it.

We've adjusted the microphone sensitivity when using "push to talk" mode.

We've added infrastructure for private campuses that can set the color of user nametags based on specific criteria.

The Conference Room received a nice visual update, with a gorgeous sky-roof and wider floor.


Want a tour of the VirBELA Open Campus and all it has to offer? You can schedule one here.

We're improving the VirBELA Open Campus and Team Suites all the time, and our work here is driven by your feedback. Please let us know if you have any questions or thoughts.

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